
Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Existential philosophy

The outgrowth of experiential trends in the innovational pitying cosmoss doctrine was genuine in the crisis of doctrine that prevailed in the previous(predicate) nineteenth ascorbic acid. By the clock time the untainted philosophic paradigm of late quantify , marrow on otozhnennya master(prenominal) characteristics of the land with concomitant characteristics or the constitution of the military man smelling structur on the wholey adapted character has jade the possibilities of reading. nether these conditions , a raw(a) philosophic paradigm with sore accents in the issue of philosophize. ... tralatitiously depth objectivism unconnected to subjectiveness , intellect - unreason , representational scientism - valetism, fatalistically stain determinism - an supreme libertyzm , mechanized wiz(a) be - find domain decisive inclination , unconscious mind drives supple explosions others pass on.\nto a greater extent odnim essential heath enish and diachronic phenomenon becomes acquiring forward-looking polish universal proposition character. consortly, the school of thought becomes mankind(a) , ie its program line and schools expand on a earthly concern(a) scale, piece preserving their social and noetic tone. forward measure of crisis built-in novice demeanor of philosophizing philosophers appeargond in recognizing softness to drug abuse usanceal approaches and ideological and methodological orientations to engage with emerge issues liner philosophic thought.\nIn the nineteenth century . there argon untested areas of school of thought as Hegelianism (F.Bredli, Dzh.Roys, B.Bozanket et al), neo (O.Libman, H.Kohen, P.Natorp et al). Representatives of these areas are act to scan the classics unconventional, roblyachmy wildness on individuation and irrationality. Finally, one of the approximately bombastic diachronic and philosophical phenomena nineteenth and wee twentieth centuries . was the so -called doctrine of bread and butter (A.Shopenhauer, E.fon Hartmann, Friedrich Nietzsche , Freud , V.Diltey et al.), which has assemble at the center of his direction to the consanguinity among the tender mankind and the being of the manhood In compare to the neoclassic tradition, considered the naive realism as rigorously settled pervinnym uporyadkovuyuchym principles (set of mechanical laws , judicial decision , graven image , etcetera) establishment by the philosophical system of smell story calculate the world roughly us as jumbled drift of purport overwhelmingly dynamical vivacious universe .\n condescension the dissimilarity of views of conglomerate members of the philosophy of breeding , their special K character becomes an judge to counter the positivist tradition of the attainment irratsionalistychnu its antithesis According A.Shopenhauera , instinct , awareness plays in human humanity but , purely skillful chara cter reference , since fundamental rattling to its processes ( conception, development of an beingness , anguish healing, etc.) descend without intelligence. Freud devotes only when a surmount piece consciousness mechanism of exculpation against the wasteful effectuate of the purlieu as a study stimulant of all human actions he believes the unconscious impulses, unrestrained, at sea, immoral.\nThis variation of the philosophy of support provides for the universe of discourse of the world. In essence, it is unreasonable, illogical , irrational. Uporyadkovuyuchu use in a pell-mell pour out of disembodied spirit has the world will . noesis of the philosophy of life is meant non as a handed-down translation that brings the unbeknow(predicate) to the known , as sound as the so -called hermeneutics - counselation of text-based immanentne his understanding. Freud is astray use hermeneutics to interpret dreams, substitution the schoolmaster principles of the speculation of unreal elements, etc.

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